Importing rig into ipi studio
Importing rig into ipi studio

Unchecking Level of Detail and Collision should be harmless (I don’t think they have any effect on a skeletal mesh). All other options can be left as default. So, change Fbx Export Compatibility to FBX 2014. An FBX Export Options window will appear.Choose an appropriate directory and name (such as SK_Mannequin.fbx).Navigate to the folder Content/AnimStarterPack/UE4_Mannequin/Mesh, then right-click the SK_Mannequin asset in the content browser.In the content directory, you should now see an AnimStarterPack folder. In the Epic Games Launcher, find the Animation Starter Pack in your vault and click Add to Project, and select the project you have created or chosen to use.


Download, if you don’t already have it, the Animation Starter Pack available for free in the Marketplace.Start with a UE4 project, an existing one or create a new one.Exporting the Mannequin in 18 easy steps! This is not really a quick-and-easy job despite the humor in the next heading. Yeah, that’s 18 steps, but then the other jobs take lots of steps too…. The first job is to export the mannequin so it can be used in Blender. I’m also using Blender 2.79, again should work in recent Blender versions (2.8 and above is supposed to be a major change in Blender so it might fail there). I am using Unreal Engine version 4.18, but it should be similar in recent engine versions. The older versions of Unreal Engine 4 it just doesn’t work, apparently, but the later versions, I got it to mostly work by searching online, through the Udemy Blender Character Creator course, and through lots of trial-and-error. Searching online, I see many (like me) have wanted to work on characters in Blender by exporting the Mannequin skeleton provided by Epic, but there are problems with doing this.

Importing rig into ipi studio